Monday, April 25, 2005

Tunggu Teduh Dulu - Faisal Tehrani

Dah lama tak baca novel sbb takde masa... Tiba2 aje rasa mcm nak baca novel... Mungkin sbb bermulanya Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 23 Apr lepas... Sebenarnya dah lama beli buku Tunggu Teduh Dulu... Beli secara online pd Jan 2005 di Bukunya agak tebal, sbb tu malas nak start baca... Bila dah start, sure tersangkut punya... Start baca 21 Apr (Khamis) sbb cuti Maulidur Rasul... Ada masa lapang sket... Bila dah baca mmG tersangkut... Ambik masa selama 2 hari nak habiskan buku tu... Ikutkan hati mmg nak habiskan hari tu jugak, tp mengenangkan Jumaat tu keje, kenalah tangguh...


TUHAN mencipta bumi, langit, syurga, bintang-bintang, bulan dan hujan. Tuhan mencipta manusia. Tuhan mengatur semua. Jalur hidup insan, warna cerah atau kelam, hujan atau teduh.

Seorang mahu menjadi manusia. Saya selalu melaung di puncak bukit kecil tempat kami bertiga selalu bermain. “Saya manusia, mahu menjadi hamba.”

Usia lima belas tahun, saya sudah pandai bermain bahasa. Seorang akan tercabar dan lekas mengejek, katanya, “Saya yang akan jadi penyair besar.”

Seorang lagi akan berfalsafah seperti biasa, “Hidup akan dicorak oleh kita. Puncak bukit ini akan jadi tempat bertemu semula.”

Kami sering menyanyi bersama lagu “Dalam Kenangan”. Suara halus kami tertebar ke seluruh langit, di bawa angin menderu ke bawah bukit, lalu hilang ditelan tanah-tanih subur di bawah sana.

Kemudian puncak bukit disirami hujan. Gerimis berderai halus menjadi curahan lebat. Kami semua berteduh di bawah bangsal kecil.

Seorang akan mengaku menjadi pelangi, “Selepas hujan teduh, pelangi akan bersinar untuk kamu, Salsabila.” Seorang lagi akan lebih mengusik, “Tetapi setelah hujan teduh, pelangi akan muncul lalu mesti ada matahari, dan akulah matahari untuk kamu.”

Tiga remaja. Saya masih ingat usia sangat pucuk, tetapi cita-cita sudah melangit tinggi. Lam Ping Hai, dia mahu memeluk Islam dan melamar saya nanti. Kamil Zahidi, katanya dia mahu menjadi pelangi, kerana seorang suami itulah tanggungjawabnya, memberi warna kepada isteri.

Saya tidak pernah tahu, mereka hanyalah satu singgahan dalam hidup. Lama kemudian saya mengerti rencana dan jalur yang ditentukan Tuhan bahawa mereka ibarat teduh sementara, ada teduhan lain yang bakal saya susuri.

Setahun kemudian, kami bertemu di puncak bukit lagi. Mata bertakungan air mata. Lam Ping Hai harus pergi, tetapi katanya dia akan tetap kembali. Keluarganya memutuskan untuk memulakan hidup baru di Kuching. Kamil ke sekolah berasrama penuh. Dia berjanji untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan akan pulang lagi. Kemudian dengan wajah duka dan air mata masih berjujuhan kami bubar.

Persahabatan kami sandarkan penuh di tangan Tuhan. Persahabatan itu akan datang kembali, kemudian bubar lagi. Seperti saya katakan, apakah yang boleh dijangkakan pada masa hadapan?.

Puncak bukit sunyi sejak itu. Tiada lagu “Dalam Kenangan” bersipongang. Alam terasa muram.

Kalau nanti bertemu, akan saya katakan apa kepada mereka? Apakah Kamil sudah menjadi penyair? Apakah Lam Ping Hai telah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah dan beriman, langsung tasdik di hati terserlah pada kata-kata serta perbuatan? Andai benar-benar yang seorang mahu menjadi pelangi dan seorang lagi menjadi mentari, akan dipilih siapa?.

Saya bermula dengan kisah ringkas diri ini. Saya Salsabila Fahim telah banyak menderita. Tetapi jangan salah faham kerana saya tidak pernah menyalahkan. Tuhan telah memberi jalur dan warna tertentu untuk kita, kata saya terdahulu. Dia Yang Maha Esa telah mencipta bumi, langit, syurga, bintang-bintang, bulan, dan hujan. Tuhan mencipta manusia. Dan manusia tak berada di dunia tiba-tiba. Sebagai hamba kita akan diduga, diberi bahagia, diberi peta. Kadang ada bahagian yang boleh kita lakar, selalunya ada bahagian cuma kita merencanakan dan Dia lebih menentukan. Peta itu ada sudut sudah digores, ada bucu masih kosong menanti masa terlukis.

Kisah ini mungkin kisah saya. Kisah penuh peribadi. Boleh jadi tidak akan ada sesiapa mengerti. Juga tidak akan ada sesiapa peduli. Masing-masing dalam hidup punya cerita, mengapa mahu membaca cerita orang lain? Tak mengapa, saya cuma akan bercerita kepada yang mahu tahu. Barangkali ada pengajaran, barangkali terdapat sesuatu.

Selepas ayah meninggal kata saya terdahulu, tanah-tanah di puncak bukit jadi milik saya. Akan saya apakan tanah seluas lima hektar? Saya tidak punya pekerjaan. Barangkali sekarang, kelulusan baik sahaja tidak memadai. Majikan menuntut pengalaman.

Sepuluh tahun terlalu lama, terlalu banyak musim telah datang jua telah pergi dalam tempoh selama itu. Tapi saya kira saya sedikit hairan, kenangan selama sepuluh tahun masih berputar-putar dalam kotak fikiran. Album-album gambar belum lusuh. Mungkin sedikit kepam, agak berdebu, kuning dimamah waktu, tetapi dalam jiwa ia segar sampai bila-bila. Sudah bertahun ia tersimpan kekal dlam nurani, tentu sahaja ia akan kekal selama-lama dalam nubari.

Kemudian datang Teh Sofia, anak Tan Sri Abdul Rahman yang gila-gila orangnya. Kami sama-sama menuntut di Amerika. Dia perempuan yang sukakan cabaran.

“Orang tak boleh padang kita lemah. Kita perempuan Islam yang ada kekuatan dan maruah.”

Teh Sofia bilang tanah dan bumi ini milik Tuhan dan kita harus memulangkan kepada-Nya dengan keyakinan. Dengan ketekunan. Berbakti kepada bumi, kepada tanah, ibarat berbakti kepada Tuhan, juga kepada diri.

Saya merenung ke tanah rendah di bawah bukit. Meski di kaki bukit, air tidak bertakung. Bukit pula menghalang angin deras daripada melanda dan pancaran cahaya matahari sentiasa penuh.

Maka saya memberitahu Teh Sofia.

“Pia, kita jadi petani dan usahawan. Kita akan gunakan kurnia Tuhan.”

Teh Sofia tersenyum manis. Tidak saya tahu dia nanti terlalu berlabuh dalam hidup saya.

Saya membalas, “Pada tanah arwah ayah, apa kata kita tanamkan betik, kita bangunkan papaya?”

Di situlah ia bermula. Kerana niat murni saya itu, kerana tanah-tanah ayah akan diterangkan dan ditanami buah-buah papaya manis, maka saya bertemu mereka semula. Kamil Zahidi dan juga Lam Ping Hai.

Seorang mahu menjadi pelangi, yang seorang mengaku matahari. Dan saya cuma mahu menjadi seorang manusia, menjadi hamba, akan saya pilih siapa setelah teduh nanti?

Bukankah pelangi akan pergi apabila basah hujan kering di bumi, dan matahari akan terbenam apabila senja mendatangi?

Namun, biar saya mengingatkan, cerita ini bukan cerita cinta tiga segi. Ia lebih daripada itu. Ia cerita pengorbanan manusia kepada Tuhan, cerita tentang takdir yang sangat manis setelah dikecap. Ini kisah saya, bukan kisah mereka sahaja. Ini cerita bagaimana saya menunggu teduh dalam ribut. Ini cerita mengenai hubungan manusia dengan manusia dan hubungan manusia dengan Penciptanya. Ini cerita bahawa hakikat seluruh alam semesta ini berasal daripada Allah dan akan kembali kepada-Nya, tidak dapat tidak. Itulah titik hubungan kita di muka bumi ini, titik hubungan kita dengan insan lain dan juga segala tindakan.

Kisah ini kecil. Moga-moga ada manfaat bersama dalam kecilnya.


Friday, April 22, 2005

~*~* Jannah... *~*~

There are seven stages in heaven,
Which Allaah has decreed for us.

Life will be forever,
Hardships and pain, never...

There will be rivers of honey,
And guess what? you won't need money.

And beautiful gardens with trees,
Where you can feel the cool breeze.

Life is not a joke you see,
It is very serious, not funny.

Wouldn't you like to be in the sparkle,
Where you can hear laughter an' chuckle.

You Can get the garden,
But, first you must be pardoned,

From Almighty Allaah,
Subhanaho wa taa'lah.

So listen my brothers and sisters,
Seek forgiveness before it's too late.

For Almighty Allaah,
Doesn't like people who live in a bad state.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Light The Darkness

Prophet Muhammad said: " Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer ! They are all for his benefit; If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best or him." [ Muslim ]

Find some way to be thankful for your troubles. For it is a great way to start moving beyond them.

Gratitude is always a powerful place to begin. Find something for which to be thankful, and you'll discover a valuable way to move positively ahead.

Being resourceful does not mean that you have more resources than anyone else. Being resourceful means that you're able to see and to make full use of the resources available to you.

That's especially important when obstacles, troubles, frustrations and tragedies threaten to overwhelm you. Look at those troubles not with dismay, but with gratitude for the value that you know is there.

Yes, it may seem strange to be thankful for your difficulties. Yet it certainly beats the alternative, which is to let those difficulties get the best of you.

Have the courage and the insight to practice gratitude, even when things are at their darkest. And it will shine a positive, empowering light on even the most difficult situation.

Anytime, happiness and sadness time, say "Alhamdulillaah... thank you Allaah".

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: " A Muslim is not afflicted by hardship, sickness, sadness, worry, harm, or depression - even if pricked by a thorn, but Allah expiates his sins because of that. " [ Bukharee and Muslim ]

Prophet Muhammad said: " Hardships continue to befall a believing man and woman in their body, family, and property, until they meet Allah (S) burdened with no sins. " [Tirmithee ]

From there we can learn something when we have problems. a friend has ever told me "you worry cause you dont pray, if you pray, no worry!" or other statements like "Know Quran No Pain, No Quran Know Pain!"

Well some points we got from this article are:-
* We have to trust Allah that after every hardship there is blessings. like they say "after every storm there is rainbow" and we should always turn and pray to Him.
* We shoud try our best to handle or fix our problems in good and right way. "i love to cry under the rain coz no one sees my tears" this statement reflects that you wont let others know that ur in deep bad or tragic situation... its fine!
* If we cant fix it by ourself, tell you friends or family or some trustworthy people whom you belief are right person or good mukmin to help you give advice and pray for you.
* Problems make you grow more mature and strong.
* "The greater the hardship, or trial or tribulation the greater the reward. The greater the difficulty the greater the reward. The greater the trial or tribulation or difficulty that you are put through the greater the reward will be for you and for me from Allaah (Tabarak wa ta’ala)".
* Any where anytime dont forget say "Alhamdulillaah"

~*~Good To The Last Drop~*~

Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " Whenever Allaah wills good for a person, He subjects him to adversity" [Bukharee and others ]

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they had gotten soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma, and then asked, "What's the point, Mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity- boiling water - but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

a.. Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

b.. Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

c.. Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Sharing is Caring...

I think most of us have ever feel sad, upset and other unhappy feelings. i am one of the people who like to hide my feelings or sad situations to others, but sometimes how hard i try to hide this feeling but some of my closest people know that i am in non well conditions. if they start asking "is there something wrong with you?" i could tell them my sadness from A to Z and that make the others to feel sad of me, and they will start giving me general advices or they will remind me with some qur'an and hadith messages. SubhanaAllaah this feeling make me feel more calm.

" If you won't share your problems and your sadness to the people who love you, you dont give enough chance to people who love you for real Love." said someone.

I often read stories of how Salaf handle their problems with pity.. sometimes if they are in sad conditions they won't share it to others, you know why? because they won't make to others feel what they are feeling. a good muslim sadness is showed in their heart, but their happiness is showed in their face. so no matter how bad their conditions are, their face will always look calm and happy. and i read some of their statments that said why they won't share their sadness, it is because they dont want to make others to feel sad and they believe that Allaah is The One who will cure them. well, they are the Best generation and their Iman is very strong!.

Thats the thing that I wish to follow, when i have problems I try to hide this to everybody and I try to fix it by my self. but sometimes... i am too weak for doing that... i realise i am not as strong as the pious salaf.

Once i had a problem with my lecturer, she was a little bit angry because of my statement and i know that she was mad at me. this thing made me feel upset and I tried my best to fix it, I tried to smile at her... [but she didnt Smile Back]. saying sorry [she said I forgive you, but her act was still showing that I was her enemy]. I pray to Allaah so that she get back to the usual. and then.. at Night i felt I need to tell my problem to my mom. she listened carefully but she didnt say anything that night. Next day in the morning before I caught the train to go to my University's town, My mom gave me something... it was food that she cooked specially for my teacher. and she said "give it to ur teacher and told her that this food is especially to her from me." i just said "Ok".

And in university I gave this food to her and i still thinking that this ideas wont work. i gave this package to her and told her like what mom told me. she said thanks with cute smile. at her class I feel she already back as usual and we become closer and she also gave me the best mark. alhamdulillaah.

and in fajr time in my room at my boarding house, my mom called me asking if i prayed fajr and also asking about my teacher, she said she is worried about me. and wish eveything is fine. i told her "Everything is fine Mom! you dont need to worry again". my mom closed the fone and felt calm. well alhamdulillaah Allaah answered my prays and she sent my mom to help me to solve my problems.

From this experience I could learn something, that If I can't fix my problems by my self I need to tell peoples who I feel the right place to share this case. and Allaah is the Best Helper!

Dear friends, there are a lot peoples become crazy, stressful, wishing to make suicide, because they can't bear with Allaah's Test. maybe one of the reason because they won't share it to anyone, or if they share it they are not share their problems to the right people... and if they are still in that situations after do all things to the right people... maybe they won't sabr. sabr is very dificult things to do, if we pray to Allaah but He didnt answer our prayers yet, we become su'uzdon to Him. "Oh Maybe Allaah angry with me!" "Maybe Allaah wont love me again" etc etc... [many peoples do it right?]

I am not Ahlul Sabr yet, i always late to realise that I must be sabr. maybe from the text in here we can learn something together.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Perbezaan itu suatu yang biasa, bila diterima dengan kedewasaan. Bahkan perbezaan itu, akan menjadikan suatu bentuk kesempurnaan dan melengkapi kekurangan yang tidak ada pada diri masing-masing bila. Perbezaan diterima dengan keikhlasan dan kelapangan jiwa, tanpa diliputi oleh rasa iri dan keegoan. Kejujuran bersemayam di dalam hati kecil manusia. Tanpa bisa dijangkau oleh akal fikiran dan logik. Berkata jujur dan apa adanya, sudah mengurangi sebagian beban yang ada. Meskipun akan menimbulkan suatu kepahitan yang harus ditelan. Namun, hidup lebih berharga bila dilandasi dengan kejujuran. Hidup itu suatu pilihan manusia untuk menentukan dirinya akan menjadi apa?

Sedangkan kematian adalah kudrat manusia yang tidak bisa dihindarkan walau hanya sekelip mata menjadi tua adalah suatu keharusan, tetapi menjadi dewasa adalah suatu pilihan. Begitupun menjadi seorang bijak, adalah pilihan yand didasarkan atas. Kedewasaan, pengalaman hidup dan kematangan dalam berfikir. Adakalanya orang yang menjadi tua, tapi tidak pernah menjadi dewasa. Apalagi menjadi seorang bijak? Kerana hanya orang bodoh yang tidak mahu memetik pelajaran dan mengambil hikmah dari setiap pengalaman. Kejujuran adalah apa yang terlintas dihati. Diucapkan dengan kata-kata, dan dibuktikan dengan sikap. Kemunafikan adalah, apa yang diucapkan dengan kata-kata. Tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan dihati, dan tidak selalu sama dengan yang dilakukan.

Pengecut adalah, menutupi segala kebenaran dihati, malu untuk mengakui, takut untuk melangkah karena suatu resiko yang belum tentu terjadi. Kedewasaan adalah, mampu menyikapi segala bentuk kenyataan yang terjadi. Menerima semua kritikan yang datang, dan tidak memaksakan pendapatnya untuk diterima.

Orang bijak selalu belajar dari pengalaman, merenung dan introspeksi diri tanpa membodoh-bodohkan orang lain, kerana tidak ada orang yang mulia tanpa melalui suatu kebodohan yang pernah dijalankan. Mengenal diri adalah kunci hidup suatu ketenangan batin, memahami kesalahan adalah suatu keberhasilan sedangkan memaafkan kesalahan orang lain, adalah suatu kemuliaan.

Good Morning...

Start the day with a DEEP BREATH...
Inhale all the LOVE & GOODNESS of GOD
& Exhale the TEARS, FEARS & all WORRIES.
(,") S-M-I-L-E (",)
Have a Good Day

Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING" ,
wrapped with "SINCERITY" ,
tied with "CARE" ,
and sealed with a "PRAYER" to keep you
"SAFE" and "HAPPY" all day long

Night Has Ended For Another Day,
Morning Has Come in a Special Way,
You Smile Like the Sunny Rays,
And Leave Your Worries at the Blue Blue Bay..
Good Morning !!

I blow a wish of gentle morning,
A carefree day to a peaceful evening,
I wish nothing but the best for you,
And pray that ALLAH guides you in all you do
Good Morning ...

Monday, April 04, 2005


Ingin aku singkap kembali
Kenangan lama agar bersemi
Inginku ulangi kisah manis
Agar terus bersemadi

Ingatlah aku sebagai rakanmu
Kenaglah daku dalam doamu
Begitulah indahnya kisah dahulu
Engkau sebagai temanku

Apabila engkau terjaga
Satukanlah harapanku denganmu
Kerana ianya bakal berpadu
Mimpi si penunggu yang setia
Layarkanlah impian doamu
Sesungguhnya aku masih mengingatimu
Sebagai kawan rakan dan teman
Semoga kita diberkati Allah

Kudoakan kepadamu agar bahagia
Di dunia dan akhirat

Cebisan Kenangan

Ukhwah yang terbina persis sekuntum bunga
meski pun kini kita terpisah demi kasih-Nya
namun cebisan kenangan kita
sentiasa bermain di bayangan mata
detik waktu yg berlalu
menjadi memori kau dan aku

Sewaktu kita bersama saling setia menimba ilmu
tanpa mengeal erti penat jemu
igatkah kau lagi
kita bersama memijak onak duri
ditanah gersang mengutip semangat suci
kini segalanya tersurat dalam sanubari

Bersabarlah dengan ketetentuan-Nya
ada rahmat yg tersembunyi
bertemu berpisah kerana Allah
lumrah kehidupan insan beriman
moga saat nan indah
ku harap berulang lagi